"Rewind the times so crazy..."


ReWind is the Jrock/music section of Yukihidaka.com. It is mostly dedicated to Jrock, but also a few other non-American groups. The name was chosen partly from a line in HYDE's song "It's sad" where he says "Rewind the times so crazy" and also from the fact that Gackt's CD title "Rebirth" sounds like "Reverse" when pronouced in Japanese, so to reverse would also be to rewind.

Update: So the J-rock section has finally gotten a title, meaning I have finally been able to create it! ^^ yay! I've decided that there shall be a few other non-Jrock non-American groups listed here as well, because they're just that awesome. There's not much on the site as of yet, but at least I have gotten the basic foundation of it up! ^^ The sections that are up so far are: BLOOD (profiles, downloads, pictures), Malice Mizer (discography,)


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All site graphics, drawings, and codes made by me (unless otherwise stated), and are not to be copied on any other site.