Welcome to The Dementor's Kiss, the Harry Potter section of yukihidaka.com/ Keep in mind that this site is best viewed on 1024x768 screen resolution.

Update- March 18, 2007:
So I've redone the whole site and made The Dementor's Kiss a subsection of Yukihidaka.com. I also changed the layout, graphics, recoded, and basically re-made the entire site. So far for The Dementor's Kiss I have the character list (which I may want to make some coding changes to), a few wallpapers, and the timeline (which I may type up to make it easier to read). Keep checking for updates ^^


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I do not own rights to Harry Potter in any way. All Harry Potter characters etc. are © to JK Rowling.
All site graphics, drawings, and codes made by me, and are not to be copied on any other site.